Apparently home is where the heart is, and yet, it has also been said, that wherever I lay my hat is my home (~Anon and Marvin Gaye, 1960 respectively).
I picked those two particular quotes for very specific reasons; they both apply to me.
Some people have a very strong sense of home. It might be related to a house, be it their own or perhaps their parent’s / the house they grew up in and so specific to a location or corner of the earth. It might be about people, be it a partner, parent, family unit, pets or friends who have become family.
For me, home is all these things and more. So perhaps rather than try to define home, instead I shall look at what is clearer, what isn’t home. Home is not a house, and a house is not a home.
Home is fluid and yet it brings with it a sense of belonging and contentment. It is about sharing, it is about love, it is honest and it is real.
I consider myself fortunate, in that I have had many homes in my life. I have lived in many more houses, (and countries) and I have been lucky enough to experience real homes along the way, places where I felt safe, secure, contented, happy, and that all important sense of belonging.
As I continue on MY Velvet Evolution this year and journey of continued self-discovery, I’m dedicating this month of ‘fun finding’ to looking at home. What is home to me and can looking for, creating and embracing more fun help me find home?
So be sure to check back in at the end of the month and find out how this rolling stone has fared and whether or not I’ve stopped anywhere long enough to gather some moss. (~Publius Syras)
In the meantime, get in touch and let me know what ‘home’ means to you!?
Wishing you all a happy and confident house and home!
Lydia x