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    Be HappyHAPPINESS is something that everyone wants.

    We crave it, we chase it, we wish for it.

    And yet, happiness is not something we can hold on to.  Happiness is an emotion, and is with all emotions, good and bad, positive and negative, it will come and go.

    So how can you find happiness more readily and easily?  How can you create more opportunity for happiness to be around you?

    And what if I tell you that the secret to happiness isn’t happiness.  You can’t make yourself feel happiness or force it, but what you can do is surround yourself with something much more simple and achievable.

    The secret to HAPPINESS is KINDNESS.

    If you think, feel and act with KINDNESS at the heart of everything you do and are; then HAPPINESS is the result you will achieve.

    If your every action comes form a place of kindness how can you receive or feel anything other than happy.

    Kindness towards your self, kindness in your thoughts about who you are and what you are capable of.  Kindness in how you think and talk about others.  Kindness in how you act.  Flood your world with kindness and discover how readily your heart, head and world is filled with a sense of happiness.

    So you see, the secret to happiness isn’t happiness…it’s kindness.

    Wishing you a happy, confident and kind day!

    Lydia – The Confidence Coach

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