THE PATH – A New Way of Thinking About Everything
The Path – A New Way to Think About Everything by Professor Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh
The Path is a great introduction to the Chinese Philosphers that have shaped many of our voews of the world and life today.
Whilst this may sound like a rather dry or academic subject matter, The Path is in fact a very accessible and easy read which both informs and inspires your understanding of why we are here and how we can be the masters of our own destiny.
It is also interesting to discover the history of so many of our apparent everyday saying and colloquialisms come from as well.
So if your interested in finding out about Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi and Xunzi, or more simply put; relationships, decisions, influence, vitality, spontaneity, humanity or the age of possibility then this is a great book to start with.
Click this link to order your copy of The Path – A New Way to Think About Everything
Happy reading!
Wishing you a happy and confident day.
Lydia – The Confidence Coach