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    Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

    It is without question that we will all face difficulties in life.

    Emotional resilience is about building a healthy relationship with your emotions so that you are able to express and manage them rather than bottling them up or having them popping out of you like a cork in a bottle and the most inconvenient or inappropriate moments.

    You can build your resilience by learning to use mindfulness to take back control from your mind and get it to work for you, not against you.

    Mindfulness is full of simple, easy everyday techniques to reduce stress levels, quieten mind chatter and re-energise without needing to find extra hours in the day.

    Mindfulness training teaches you to take on life and win!

    Is it for me?

    Yes!  We all need to be resilient in life, but resilience isn’t about a ‘stiff upper lip’ and just burying stuff down deep inside and never dealing with it, because one day you’ll crack, and maybe you already have?

    Resilience is about an honest and healthy relationship with your emotions.  No more bury thoughts and feelings away.

    A sign of good emotional resilience is the capacity to deal with all of life’s up’s and down’s and still feel a strong sense of who you are and not feel unduly worn down by the day’s events or the people in your life.

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    What’s Involved?

    • Coping Strategies: We’ll review your current coping strategies to see what’s really working and what is perhaps making life harder for you.
    • Internal world: We’ll explore your internal world of thoughts, feelings and behaviours to find out how emotionally healthy this all really is.
    • Relationships: We’ll review the significant relationships in your life to understand how these are affecting your view of you and the world / people around you.
    • Action Plan: We’ll create a bespoke plan to enable you to make emotionally healthy changes now, and have the resilience to deal with life’s up’s and down’s in the future.

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