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    SUPER BRAIN by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi

    October 2014 Book Recommendation

    October 2014 Book Recommendation

    SUPER BRAIN – Unleash the Explosive Power of Your Mind by Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E. Tanzi

    This book has answered so many questions I had about memory, the ageing brain, the depressed or anxious brain, the emotional  and intuitive brain; and so the list goes on.  Not only is this book broad in the spectrum of topics and real life emotions and events it covers, but it also raises and answers many more questions.

    This book will definitely add value to you, and your understand of how you and others function in the world.

    Highly recommended!

    Click here to order your copy of Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being

    Happy reading!



    “Are you bound to lose memory as you age?”

    “Can you change the hard wiring in your brain?”

    “How do you replace lost brain cells?”

    “Is it true you only use 10% of your brain?”

    “Can you become more conscious?”

    “Where does reality begin?”

    “Drawing on the very latest findings of neuroscience, they offer a new, practical vision of the brain and show how to understand, and use, it to achieve optimum physical, mental and spiritual well being.”

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