THE WISDOM OF INSECURITY by Alan W. Watts and Deepak Chopra
The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety by Alan W. Watts was first published in 1951 and remains as relevant and insightful today as it did in ’51. Written at a time before words like ‘mindfulness’ existed, Watts considers, debates and explains how we get in our own way of being present, being happy and being contented.
“If happiness always depends on something expected in the future, we are chasing a will-o’-the wisp that ever eludes our grasp.”
Throughout the ten chapters Watts explore topics such as death, sex, problem solving, sleep, work, happiness, stress, anxiety and brain versus body to name but a few. Most of all he looks at the power of giving in, and why so many of us find this difficult and yet limit ourselves even more.
Within the pages of this book you will find an author who is able to not only articulate the very many complexities of life and being, but also join up the dots to show everything is connected and influenced, as well as giving you an alternative perspective and approach to being you and living life happy and confident.
This book is just as fitting for someone at the beginning of their journey of self-discovery as it is for someone well established in exploring this thing called life.
These days, editions of The Wisdom of Insecurity come with an introduction written by Deepak Chopra which is an interesting insight into how this book has influenced and formed part of his own personal journey.
To buy your copy click here:The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety
Lydia x
Back of the book blurb:
“ALAN W. WATTS’S “MESSAGE FOR AN AGE OF ANXIETY” is as powerful today as when this modern classic was first published.
We spend too much time trying to anticipate and plan for the future; too much time lamenting the past. We often miss the pleasures of the moment in our anxious efforts to ensure the next moment is enjoyable. Drawing from Eastern philosophy and religion, Watts argues that it is only by acknowledging what we do not and cannot know, that we can find something truly worth knowing. In order to lead a fulfilling life, one must embrace the present-live fully in the now.
Elegantly reasoned and lucidly written, this philosophical achievement contains all the wisdom and spirit that distinguish Watts’s long career and resonates with us still.”