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    Last time I shared with you MY Velvet Evolution 16 COMMANDMENTS collated in order to provide me with a checklist of positive things to remember about myself and this experience.

    This time, I would like to share with you MY Velvet Evolution TRUTHS OF LIFE.  These TRUTHS have come to me from life experience, books, friends, colleagues and basically as many different sources of psychology, philosophy and wisdom as I have been able to collect together and absorb.  The idea behind collecting them all together is that I will be able to access them as a type of reference system.  I’m not imagining that every situation I face in MY Velvet Evolution year of 2013 is going to be positive and without challenge or difficulties, because who’s days, weeks, months or years ever are.  So when these challenges come my way, it is my idea that I will know I have this mini, no, micro-bank of information and TRUTHS to refer back to and use this wisdom in that present.

    MY Velvet Evolution 30 TRUTHS OF LIFE:

    –  Not every opportunity is a good opportunity

    –  It’s okay to change your mind

    –  The only person you can control is you

    –  Sometimes people aren’t who we’d like them to be

    –  By doing a little bit each day, you can get a lot accomplished *(GR)

    –  No one else is responsible for you

    –  Actions get things accomplished, food doesn’t

    –  Listen to your body

    –  It’s okay to say ‘I don’t know / can you help me?

    –  Gossiping about and judging others will attribute those characteristics to you

    –  Everyone wants to be liked

    –  Politeness counts for a lot

    –  Treat others as you wish to be treated

    –  You won’t like or enjoy everything you have to do, and that’s okay

    –  Mistakes make you human

    –  Approach every situation and person with love

    –  Technology is not out to annoy you

    –  Living costs money

    –  If you want an active social life, get organising things and sending out invites

    –  If you want something to change, look at what you can change in yourself first

    –  Happiness does not always make you feel happy *(GR)

    –  Life is all about learning, there is no end goal

    –  Be careful what you wish for

    –  It’s okay to enjoy shopping

    –  Not all adventures have to take you away from home

    –  Laugh for 15 minutes everyday

    –  Go outside, every day

    –  It’s okay to say ‘No’

    –  Socialise, talk and share – humans are social creatures, we need other people.

    –  In order for your dreams to come true, action outweighs wishing

    n.b. *(GR) notes a TRUTH OF LIFE inspired by the Secrets of Adulthood in The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

    Next time, it’s the big one – Part 5: MY Velvet Evolution MONTH BY MONTH PLAN.  What areas of my life will I focus on for each month of 2013 in my search for FUN!?

    If you prefer, here’s a short video explaining my 30 TRUTHS OF LIFE!

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