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    THE SLIGHT EDGE by Jeff Olson


    May 2014 Book Review

    May 2014 Book Review

    The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success by Jeff Olson.


    This month this isn’t a book recommendation but more a book review.  


    The Slight Edge is a life coaching / business attitude book all about how the author has achieved success and how, if you follow his programme, you can too.


    Personally I felt this book was formulaic and all about selling the authors catch phrase “The Slight Edge”.  There is a lot of talk and making the same point time and again but not a lot of content that is actionable, and nothing new or ground breaking.  I’m afraid I would classify this as the some old stuff repackaged, and unfortunately, not very cleverly repackaged.

    However, as this book falls into the ‘life improvement ‘ / ‘self help’ category, I thought I should and review it all the same.

    If you are interested solely in making more money, this may be the book for you.

    Below is the book of the book blurb to help you make up your own mind.

    I would love to hear your feedback if you have read this book, and if you found it useful.

    Click to order your copy of SLIGHT EDGE

    Happy reading!

    Lydia x



    “The Slight Edge is a way of thinking, a way of processing information that enables you to make daily choices that will lead you to the success you desire.” – Jeff Olson, The Slight Edge.

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