Aesop’s Fables are a childhood classic, timeless and relevant to the world we live in today. If you are struggling to find your place in the world, I strongly recommend you get yourself a copy of Aesop’s Fables and check in with your moral compass, as well as your inner child.
The Fables are short and easy to read, yet poignant and thought provoking.
To find out more about Aesop and his fables, read the ‘Back of the Book Blurb’ below.
To purchase your copy, click here: Aesop – The Complete Fables
Happy reading and fabling.
Lydia x
P.S. Great job title; Fabulist!
“With their clever wit and comedy, the famous fables of Aesop have delighted and entertained adults and children for generations. In these stories Aesop made his animals speak with the tongues of men and so gave the world a timeless treasury of humorous and pointed comments on the ways of mankind.”
“Aesop, who lived from about 620-560 BC, was the first of the great fabulists. Very little is known about his life, but it is probable that he was a slave, had a swarthy complexion (his name means ‘the Ethiopian’), and that he was put to death by the people of Delphi. The fables, which were written down long after Aesop’s death, established a great tradition of storytelling which has survived many countries.”