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    THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne

    The secret to this months book recommendation is The Secret.

    Some of you may have heard of this in either its book or film form, and I confess I haven’t seen the movie, but as this is a book recommendation I figured reading the book was the better thing to do.

    So what is The Secret?

    Written by Rhonda Byrne in 2006, The Secret is a collation of advice from many of the great human beings of the present and past, all pulled neatly together for you in a cohesive message that aims to answer the question, what is the secret to life?  So if you want to start your journey of self-discovery, or if you are at a point where you have learnt so much but need it all pulling together for you, then this book may just help you.  It brings in wisdoms from psychology, philosophy and even quantum physics (please don’t be scared, it’s knitted together beautifully) to help to reader understand (regardless of religious beliefs) how they can get the most out of being alive today.

    The thing I enjoyed initially about this book was that I only had to read 4 pages before The Secret was revealed!  The rest of book then turned into a delightful, and very easy to read, explanation about why this really is The Secret, or perhaps The Answer.

    So this month, I invite you to investigate and read the Secret for yourself (a great bit of holiday reading!).

    As always, click on the link below to purchase your copy via Amazon.

    Happy reading and secret revealing!

    Lydia x

    Click here to buy your copy of  The Secret


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