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    Be average and excel by setting goals

    Be average and excel by setting goals


    And I know that by being average I will excel!

    But how do you set goals that mean that you will be average and also excel?!

    I have recently started running (again!) as part of an overall training programme. My overall aim and the reason I’m doing this is because exercise helps me feel happy. And when I feel happy I also feel confident. Not just confident in how I look, but also confident in my mindset, about who I am and what I am capable of achieving. For me, the endorphins of exercise has a full body and mind effect.  I feel like I’m excelling.

    But then why do I want to be average?

    Part of my training programme includes 3 runs per week and to mix up the runs I have started making my Saturday morning run one of the Park Run’s. Park Run is a nationwide 5k run that is run by volunteers, on a predefined course, with marshals, it’s timed, and…it’s free! Amazing, I know. Something for free, it’s good for you and makes you feel good about yourself.

    Each week I try to better my time and having started at circa 33 mins for my first run in November my initial goal was to try to get that time down to 30 minutes, aka 10 minute miles.  Once I’d achieved this goal, I moved to wanting to be under 30 minutes, and I’m now 7 runs done and down to 28 mins.

    However, I want to be average. I’m delighted with my progress so far and so wanted a new goal. Well it turns out that at my local Park Run the average run time is 27.08 minutes, and this is why I want to be average. I want to achieve a 9 minute mile and be average amongst my fellow Saturday morning runners.

    At the end of the day, sometimes being average at something is your sign of progress. So don’t worry about other peoples goals and achievements, just focus on what progress looks like for you. And when you achieve your goal, be prepared to then, and only then, further your progress by setting your next goal. If my original goal had been 9 minute miles I may not still be running because I’d have been looking at trying to cut 6 minutes from my original time. How disheartening and what a mountain to climb…to try to run 6 minutes faster than my first run.  By breaking the goal down into smaller sections I am sticking with it and seeing my progress because each week or two I achieve a goal and move into the next. There is nothing wrong with wanting to often feel successful and accomplished.

    Frequency of reward is essential in keeping us enthused and interested. 

    So next time you’re looking to start something new and set a new goal, make sure you have lots of achievement milestones along the way and know that being average at something new is sometimes the ultimate achievement.

    Excel by being average!

    If you would like help with deciding on your new direction, or setting up goals and achievement milestones then get in touch and come along for your free consultation.

    Wishing you and happy and confident day!

    Lydia x (the average runner wannabe)

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