1. We all have emotions whether or not you like to admit it.
2. Unresolved emotions or emotions that you don’t deal with will linger and creep into your everyday life and disrupt it.
– Think OCD, panic attacks, anxiety, depression: these are all caused by unresolved latent emotions. Deal with the true source of the emotion and the day to day symptoms will dissipate.
3. Emotions will make you feel differently about yourself and what you are capable of.
4. Emotions will impact on your relationships
– How your communicate with others
– How you receive communication from others
Ultimately the place that most people experience emotions is within arguments and conflict. The frustration, the hurt, the betrayal, the insults, the criticism, the irrationality of our words and actions during arguments and conflict. The question is, when it comes to dealing with difficult people, is the other person really the difficult one, or is it you?
Point 1. Emotions are irrational – by their very nature they are our irrational side. And like with all things, we must have them as they serve as the opposite to our rationality. They are our source of fun and creativity. Emotions are more human and longer serving than our rational side which is the most recent part of our brain to develop so it’s important and essential to our overall well-being and happiness!
Point 2. If you are in conflict with someone the first place you have to start to resolve the situation is to look at the role you are playing in the conflict – regardless how justified you feel, or how sure you are that the other person is in the wrong.
– When you are locked into your own view and unable to see how or where the other person is coming from ask yourself these two questions;
Question 1. What is it you think you know?
Question 2. How do you know this?
Generally we find that by asking and honestly answering these two questions you will come to find your own role, and perhaps misguided interpretation of the situation and conflict. And when we know this, understand this and most importantly accept this, we can then move forward. Feel and express our true emotions and more than likely find a true and authentic way to move forwards ans resolve the relationship, and conflict.
So next time you face a challenging relationship remember to ask yourself, what is it you think you know, and how do you know this?
If you would like help apply this to your life and relationships, or would like to talk about the difficult people or relationships in your life, get in touch and arrange your free ‘meet and greet’ session today.
Wishing you a happy and confident, conflict free day!
Lydia – The Confidence Coach