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    Business Confidence

    Business Confidence


    Your brand is more than your business.

    When starting your business or launching a new product, the shiny part of it can be thinking about and deciding what your brand will look like.  But a brand is more than just a logo.

    A logo is how a customer will recognise you.

    A product is what a customer or consumer will buy.

    Marketing is how people will now what you sell and how to find you.

    Advertising is how you build awareness.

    Branding is about who you are, what you stand for, and what values you have.

    But why is a brand so important to a business?

    Your brand values should reflect the business you are trying to create and also reflect the values of the customers you hope to attract.  It is your brand values that will set you apart from the competition.

    Price comparison becomes irrelevant when your customers know and share your brand values.  That is where they getting something than the competition can offer them.

    Is your business the only brand you have?

    No, you have a brand too.  This is why you connect so strongly with some people but not all.  Shared values, whether conscious or subconscious influence us all far more than we give them credit for.

    If you know your personal values then your brand will go up.  People will find you easier to recognise and connect with as a person.

    If you spend time thinking about, exploring and deciding on your business / product brand values then you are creating something more than the products themselves.

    Ultimately people buy from people, so in order to create a strong platform from which to attract your customers, you must know what your brand stands for.

    And the two best places to start are you and your ideal customer.  What’s important to you and what’s important to them?  And that’s when you’re ‘in business’!

    If you want more help with understanding your brand through personal, professional and customer values then get in touch today!

    Wishing you a happy and confident day!


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