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    How to BUILD CONFIDENCE when your building your dreams…this isn’t about ‘simply turning your dreams into a your reality.  Its about approaching the challenge of changing your present whilst building your confidence through positive actions.  Identifying the steps and stages that make up and change our reality, and us, into something that we want it to be.

    We can all have hopes and dreams for the future, however, having these ideas and visions can be very different to sitting down and working out the steps and stages we need to complete in order for change to happen.  And of course this isn’t just change for changes sake, this is change that is positive sustainable and confidence building!

    So what is a DREAM…?

    Direction: having a dream is about having a change of DIRECTION in mind.  If a dream doesn’t require change, then I suggest you must already be living your dream.  Are you clear on what your dream is, and what changes will be required of you and those around you in order to make it a reality? The clearer you are on direction, the more confident you will feel about making the change.  If you don’t feel confident, then you’re not clear enough yet on what change you need to make and why.

    Risk: With a change in direction comes RISK.  In order for change to occur, risks must be taken as the status-quo must change.  Some risks are financial, some physical and some are geographical.  All risks are emotional.  There is no getting away from it.  In order to achieve your dreams you must face yourself and your emotions.  To use this experience to its highest confidence building potential, engage in those emotions for they will teach you more about yourself then any other person can.

    Exploring: With dreams, and change comes an opportunity to EXPLORE.  Exploring is a fantastic tool for helping you build and boost your confidence.  An exploring mindset provides you with the opportunity try out new things without a fear of failure.  When we are exploring we are learning and when we are learning, everything is a lesson.  Grab hold of an electric fence, you’ll get a shock.  You haven’t failed but you’ve learned that if you don’t want another electric shock, you shouldn’t touch electric fences..equally you may learn you like a jolt of electricity (well it takes all sorts to make the world go round, and I’m not here to judge!)

    Achievements: Having a dream and actually doing something about working towards it is about achieving things.  ACHIEVEMENTS are fantastic fuel and evidence for your bank of ‘I can do this, I am capable’ confidence boosts.  The most important thing with achievements is to allow yourself to acknowledge them.  All to easily we can look past what we have done and only remember and berate ourselves for what is still to be done.  This is where being mindful will help. Take few minutes each day, even as you’re brushing your teeth, to reflect on what you have achieved and accomplished in that day.  What went well for you.

    Motivation: When faced with dreams and change, MOTIVATION is essential to make this a rewarding and confidence building experience.  That’s why it is essential that when working towards a dream you have reminders around you of what you are hoping to achieve and why!  Why is this your dream, how will you know when you’ve achieved it, and what will be the steps you can plan ahead to make along the way.  As you are able to see these achievements and steps be completed, you will continue to feel more motivated towards the realisation of your dream, and not just get lost in doing mode and feel like giving up.

    Working towards, and achieving your DREAM should be a CONFIDENCE building and boosting experience.   I’m not suggesting that it should or will be easy, but with the right mindset and steps in place, it can be an experience that develops your understanding of yourself, and, becomes a source of positive evidence for the great and amazing things you are capable of being, completing and achieving.  And in so doing, helping you feel HAPPY and CONFIDENT about who you are, what you are capable of, and what you have to offer the world.

    Happy dreaming as you make change that will build your confidence!

    Lydia x

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