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    Maturity is a choice not a given.

    Maturity is a choice not a given.


    Growing Up is hard to do.

    “No project is more decisive for personal power – and happiness – than the project of becoming a mature adult.

    Human beings are the only creatures who do not mature automatically. The world is full of people stuck in childhood and adolescence, no matter how old they happen to be…

    …To mature is a choice; to reach adulthood is an achievement.”

    ~ Super Brain by Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E. Tanzi

    If you choose not to grow up (by actively building and developing your relationship with yourself) you may be blocked by fear. Fear of who you will meet.  Fear of change.  So if you need a shot of courage.  Remember that starting this journey does not put your survival at stake, but it does jeopardise your chances of finding and feeling fulfilment. 

    If you would like help starting or progressing your journey please get in touch.

    Wishing you a happy and confident day!

    Lydia x

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