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    As New Years Day 2013 quickly approaches, many of us will be thinking about what will be different next year, and how setting a New Years Resolution seems like the obvious thing to do.  However, we also know that many of us struggle to stick to, and achieve our New Year resolutions, despite them being said with utter sincerity and passion (especially after a few too many glasses of mulled wine round the Christmas dinner table!).

    So here I would like to share with you a very quick a simple 4 step approach to setting realistic and achievable New Year resolutions.  By following this process i promise you that you will end up with a genuinely, well thought through plan for what your resolution maybe and step you are going to take in order to achieve it, even after the hangover has passed and everyday life has dawned once more!

    So read on to find out how you too can GROW into 2013 with a realistic plan for success and achievement!

    G.R.O.W or Goal, Reality, Objective, Will.

    Step 1: GOAL

    – What would you like to achieve.  And BE SPECIFIC.  Saying ‘lose weight’ is not specific.  exactly how many pounds or kilo’s, in what time frame, and how – diet, exercise, a retreat, boot-camp etc etc.

    Step 2: REALITY

    – How achievable is this goal when you are back in the midst of your everyday life?  BE REALISTIC.  There’s no point in saying you’re going to run 3 miles everyday at 6am if you hate early mornings and you can’t leave the kids on their own.

    Step 3: OBJECTIVE

    – How could you bring to life the achievement of this goal?  What could you do? BE HONEST & CREATIVE.  If you can’t exercise because the kids are at home, think of activities you can all do together so that you too get your exercise.  Share the exercise bug, or if its work related – can you get others on board to help bring your vision into a reality?

    Step 4: WILL

    – Do you really believe this goal can be successful and achieved by you?  How much do you want it, are you dedicated to it and prepared to make it a priority?  TIMINGS.  Commit yourself to some timings ensuring that they are BITE-SIZE goals ensuring that you keep getting the thrill of mini achievements along the road to your one big, main achievement.

    Secret Step 5: ISSUES

    – If you find yourself going to the negatives and reasons it can’t be done first, great.  CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK, create an Issues page or column and write down all the reasons not too on that.  Once you have exhausted this you’ll find yourself ready and able to to thinking about how it can and will be achieved.

    So Happy Resolving and wishing you all, your most positive, successful and achieving year yet – you’ll be amazing, I just know it!

    Lydia x

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