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    The Fun Way to Exercise and Energy!

    The Fun Way to Exercise and Energy!

    If energy precedes exercise then why does exercise leave us feeling more energised?!?

    The answer is both physiological and psychology, but either way a good dose of fun will certainly keep the wheels greased.

    For the last month I have spent my time tuning into my own energy levels and the amount of exercise I take to find out if they are truly correlated for me, and to find out what role a fun mindset has in (hopefully) enhancing both.

    It has been my experience that my energy levels are strongly influenced by my psychology (thoughts and feelings), which in turn seem able to convince my physiology what my energy levels are, for example, they are too low, and therefore I’m too tired to exercise.  And so the familiar cycle of lethargy and ‘putting it off till tomorrow’ begins.  Equally, the reverse is also true.  If there are many things on going which keep the adrenalin pumped and my brain is alive and in full creative mode, and my psychology is good, no matter how little sleep I get my energy levels require me to exercise in order that my physiology burn off the adrenalin being produced by my psychology.

    What has been interesting for me, has been experimenting with the role fun plays in any and all circumstances with regards energy and exercise.  To define fun more clearly I have been looking at fun both as an action and a mindset, and have found that fun greatly enhances both energy levels and the experience of exercise in a positive way.

    Fun is about playfulness and exploring, and where possible, lowering inhibitions.  It is not about rules, rights or wrongs, punishments or injunctions of ‘should’.  The most powerful way I have found of engaging in fun, (which boosts both my energy levels, as well as my desire to exercise), has been to connect and involve my inner child.  It is my belief that our inner child holds the key to our moods, and therefore, related energy levels and subsequent desire to, or enjoyment of, exercise.

    Life is not be about what you ‘should’ be doing or ‘must’ do, it is about creating your own boundaries, exploring possibilities, engaging in your imagination and above all else…it is about moving.  We are physical creatures who seem to get lost in our own minds and let our psychology take us over.  We are social creatures who crave the outdoors and to be close to nature, so whether you label it as energy or exercise or whether you just decide it something you have a desire to do…keep moving, keep creating, and above all else, keep you inner child close to you so that you can both get the most out of being you.

    If you want to find out more about the concept of the inner child and how you can connect with yours, please get in touch.

    I wish you all a fun and energetic day that leaves you feeling happy and confident with a contented heart.

    Lydia x


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