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    HOW TO LOVE by Dr. Gordon Livingston

    December can be a challenging month as our diaries get full and we have the potential to socialise more than any other month.  However with all that mixing and mingling we can become tired and stressed.  So this month, I have decided to put LOVE back in our minds and I’m recommending HOW TO LOVE by Gordon Livingston M.D.

    It is a short book, with short chapters, and each one teaches us and reminds us what LOVE is.  What it looks like, feels like and of course, how to give it.

    So I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and lots of JOY as you LOVE your way through this years festive season.

    Lydia x


    Dr. Livingston offers urgently needed mediation on who best (and who best not) to love.  His primary focus…is on helping us to recognise in ourselves and in others constellations of character traits, and what those qualities imply with regards to both compatibility and long term happiness.

    Click here to buy your copy of  How to Love


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