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    THE GLASS HALF-FULL by Suzanne Segerestrom

    Hi Everyone, and as the second month of the year rolls into place it is time for February 2013’s book recommendation.

    This month I have have a great book to ensure you leave behind those winter / post Christmas blues, and keep happy and up beat as the year progresses.

    I’m talking OPTIMISM.

    • What is it?
    • Do you have it?
    • And if not, how can you get it?

    The Glass Half-Full by Suzanne C. Segerstrom is all about ‘How optimists get what they want form life and pessimists can too’. 

    About the Author – Suzanne C. Segerstrom is professor of Psychology at the University of Kentucky and she has conducted extensive research on psychological influences on the immune system, and on the relationship between optimism and well-being.

    About the Book – One of the many reasons I love this book, is how accessible the content is.  This is not a book for scientists and psychologists, this book is written for the reader.  As such, it provides you with really useful insights, hints and tips, into what is optimism, what isn’t optimism, what is pessimism, and, how anyone (even the most pessimistic – should they choose to read such a book!?!) can nurture an optimistic mindset and so reap the psychological, social and physiological rewards.

    Back of the book – “Scientific studies have now confirmed that being an optimist really can lead to a happier life – but of course there’s more to it than just smiling and whistling a happy tune.  As psychologist Suzanne Segerstrom explains, there is a difference between optimism and wishful thinking: while the rest of us sit around worrying about whether or not a goal is attainable, true optimists are already out there trying, because they assume they will succeed.

    Optimistic behaviour has been found to contribute to improved physical health, greater resilience in the face of life’s challenges and more satisfying relationships.  The best news is that it’s a skill you can easily acquire.  By learning from setbacks, knowing when to change course if a strategy isn’t working, and breaking free from the inertia of criticism and self-doubt, even a lifelong pessimist can adopt a more positive outlook and get a whole lot more out of life.”

    So boost your CONFIDENCE by building on your skill set and nurture an OPTIMISTIC MINDSET!

    I really hope you enjoy this book and would love to get your thoughts, so feel free to drop me a message below.

    Lydia x

    Click here to purchase your copy of The Glass Half Full: How Optimists Get What They Want From Life – and Pessimists Can Too

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