IS IT JUST ME? by Miranda Hart
IS IT JUST ME? – by Miranda Hart.
This month I want to recommend to you a different type of book to many of my others. This month I am stepping away from the obvious psychology, coaching, self-help, therapist’s books and delving back in to the world of the autobiography. Of course this is no ordinary autobiography, this one is written by the very inspiring Miranda Hart.
Now this may seem like an odd choice so as Miranda her-self would say, ‘bear with’.
I call Miranda Hart very inspiring because she is so very in tune with herself. She is authentic, genuine and real, warts and all, and unashamedly so. In fact so much so that she uses this very much to her advantage in her comedy, however I digress somewhat. Of particular note, this book is a brilliant example of someone who is very much in touch with their inner child. Throughout the book – Is it just me? Miranda dialogues with her teenage self, explaining to both her, and us, the reader (MDRC – My Dear Reader Chum) about who she is, and how her life has panned out the way it has. What her views are on everything from Christmas to Marriage, she allows us to bear witness to her views of the world and the experiences that have led her to those views and this point.
It is candid and refreshing and I implore you to download it now (or rush out and buy a copy).
I really hope you enjoy this wonderful insight into the life of someone so meaningfully connected with their inner child.
Happy reading!
Lydia x
Click here to buy your copy of Is it Just Me?