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    Interview with confidence

    Interview with confidence

    Interviews are your doorway to a new adventure, new hope and new adventures.  They can also leave you feeling nervous with high anxiety, and the fear that it might go horribly wrong.  There can be so much riding on an interview going well that even the most confident person can walk into a room feeling like a bag of nerves, and suffering from a version of stage fright.

    Here are 4 techniques to ensure that you will both walk into and leave an interview feeling happy and confident about who you are and what you have to offer.

    1. Preparation is the antidote to anxiety – the more you can prepare the less room is left for anxiety to grow.  Like mould, anxiety can grown in all the dark places (of your mind).  In terms of preparation:

    – Find out about your future employer, research them, understand  what their business stands for, what work they have done, what their company values are.  Sometimes, it’s even worthwhile looking into their competitors. This is where the internet comes into it’s own, it’s a tool, use it.

    – Think about what information you would like them to know about you.  What are your strengths, and areas of development.  What picture of you do you want them to get?

    – Have some examples in mind of work you have done before you step into the interview room.  One of the most nerve racking parts of interviews can be trying to answer the question “Can you give me an example of a time when you have done / demonstrated….” Preparing 4 or 5 examples of work you are proud of, or life experiences that you feel demonstrate your strengths.  This will again help you reduce anxiety both pre and during the interview.


    2. Start at the end – how do you want to think and feel about yourself after the interview.

    – Do you want to come out laughing or crying, proud or cringing, feeling confident or wanting to hide?

    – What would you like them say about you after you leave the interview room.  Have that in mind and then work towards that image in how you prepare and present yourself.

    You are a brand, what does your brand stand for?

    How does ‘Brand You’ compliment their organisational brand?


    3. Involve all five senses – we have 5 senses, and we all use them differently and learn differently.  So when you’re thinking about presenting, don’t just think about talking (sound – audio for the audience) or using slides (sight – visual stimulation), also think about taste, touch and smell.

    – VISUAL: Use pictures, not just words on slides.

    – SOUND: Use very short video and music where possible (just a few seconds, 2 minute maximum).

    – FEEL: Give handouts, or items for people to touch and feel.

    – SMELL: This can be introduced with scents, materials or a real winning idea is often food.

    – TASTE: Provide food and rink.  It really doesn’t matter how tenuous the link to your presentiation content is, everyone enjoys being fed and watered.

    The great thing with providing food at a presentation is that it stimulates people’s touch, taste, smell and vision, and depending on the food, even sound (crunchy food or popping candy).


    4. Is it really more than just a conversation?

    One element of interviews that make people feel anxious is the ‘interview’ style.  We feel that the interviewer/s have the power.  They are asking the questions so they are calling the shots.  However, what if we look at an interview as a two way process?  Yes of course you want to impress, but you also want to find out about them, their plans, values, vision and culture.  So you too have your own questions.  There may be a protocol to follow in terms of them asking their questions first, and I’m not suggesting interviews are 50:50 balanced affairs, however, are they really more than a conversation?

    Entering the interview room wondering who you are going to meet and what they are going to tell you, helps you not feel all the pressure for it ‘going well’ sits on your shoulders.


    This is about re-framing.  Finding a balance that enables you to relax, know you are prepared, and have your end result in sight.

    Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what position you are going for, or what the company sells, makes or provides, all 4 of these techniques apply to make you feel confident about you, present the best version of you and allow you to interview well.

    I hope this helps you feel more able to manage yourself successful through any interview, and if you would like more advice, please get in touch and let’s arrange your free consultation.

    Wishing you a happy and confident day!

    Lydia x

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